As anyone with a passing familiarity with Polish graphics will know, it's a graphic language that is steeped in angst, the macabre and symbolism. I like to think of it as the
Cath/Comm mash. The Polish posters from the heyday period of the 60s-80s posses a striking sense of necessity and urgency (often out of line with the very thing they are charged with promoting). I don't know what to chalk it up to, maybe it's new found optimism, but a new generation of Polish graphic designers are lightening up if Warsaw-based
Grzegorz Matyszewski's posters are anything to go by. His exquisite work for various music events and films draw on the conceptual flair of the Polish graphics of yesteryear but with a lower body count. He is someone who clearly loves what he does. I don't know if I'd want to take his actual name but I
definitely want to be him. At least when I sit down to design.
Have you seen that episode of the Mighty Boosh where there is that hilarious tape baddy guy? Gotta check it out. This poster is a very classy portrait of it!