There is much talk in our little home about the world and its many wonderful places. My little boys are trying to get their heads around where everything Melbourne in Africa in our world....does it take longer to get to England or Geelong....that kind of wondering. There is so much time spent looking through Atlas books and spinning the globe wishing we could go to France or Portugal for afternoon tea or England to visit the faraway tree for a pop cake or google bun. So I am always excited to find Atlas wallpaper that covers the entire wall or a beautiful old school map. I just found this great Oliver Jeffers 'Places on Earth' Illustration (he's a bit of a favourite in our house) it comes with pins to track your adventures.

And i just added one of Famille Summerbelle's beautiful map of the world paper cut prints to our collection....its gorgeous. (they have great maps of London, Paris and new York and very cute family tree prints)

So while we await the flattening process (currently underway in the front room) we are dreaming of travelling adventures....Paris, Madagascar or maybe the Land of Goodies.
oh those maps look so beautiful! andy has just started a big map collage project in our hallway, cutting up an old atlas. i would love a paper lantern lightshade that was a globe of the world.